



일시 : 2024.07.09(화)
장소 : 대전 KAIST 학술문화관(E9) 5F
진행방식 : 현장 개최
  제목 주저자 작성일 조회
31 Word-Line Pulse Generator Using Temperature-Voltage-Aware Delay-Line with Diod.. 예승재 24.04.12 55
30 A 0.7-pJ/b 12.5-Gb/s Reference-Less Subsampling Clock and Data Recovery Circuit 이윤상 24.04.11 74
29 Neural recording circuits resilient to multi-channel variation Jaeouk Cho 24.04.11 45
28 Transformer-based Injection-Locked Frequency Divider Sangmin Kim 24.04.11 61
27 A 300 GHz High-Power VCO Using Asymmetric Coupled Line 김현준 24.04.11 60
26 A Fully Integrated Dynamic-Voltage-Scaling Stimulator IC with Miniaturized Rec.. NGUYEN KIM HOANG 24.04.11 55
25 D-band Quadrature-Hybrid-Based Vector-Modulated Phase Shifter in 28-nm CMOS te.. Eunjung Kim 24.04.11 99
24 An Energy Efficient Multi-Channel Inductor-Based Stimulation System with Stimu.. Eojin Kim 24.04.11 57
23 ADC Utilizing Low Area Asynchronous Counter Gyeong-Bin Cho 24.04.11 50
22 Negative Voltage Multiplier in 28 nm CMOS Process 이재호 24.04.11 71
21 Frequency Analysis of Conventional and 3-Level Buck Converter Mun-Jung Cho 24.04.10 54
20 A Fully Integrated Microplastic Detection SoC with 0.1–3 GHz Bandwidth and 35 .. Seung-Beom Ku 24.04.09 61
19 A 24 Gb/s Receiver Using Duobinary Sampling for Sub-Baud-Rate CDR Seungwoo Park 24.04.09 57
18 A 25.2-Gb/s/pin NRZ/PAM-3 Dual-Mode Transmitter with Embedded Partial DBI Achi.. 한찬흠 24.04.09 77
17 Design of a 16-Kb 1T1C DRAM for Conventional and Compute-in-Memory Access Mode.. 천현준 24.04.09 63
16 A 2.5-3.3V Input Highly Integrated Continuously-Scalable-Conversion-Ratio Reso.. Seokjin Kim 24.04.09 42
15 A 90.5% Peak Efficiency 12V-to-1V Fully Soft-Charging Hybrid Subtraction Mode .. 한석희 24.04.09 53
14 A 38.5TOPS/W Point Cloud Neural Network Processor with Virtual Pillar and Quad.. 임석빈 24.04.09 63
13 Closed-Loop Neural Interface Available Simultaneously Recording and Stimulatio.. Geunchang Seong 24.04.09 44
12 A 320-MS/s 2-b/cycle Second-order Noise-shaping SAR ADC InKwon Pack 24.04.08 57
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