전체 Analog Digital Communication Processor Memory Etc 제목 주저자 작성일 조회 71 A Personalized Keyword Spotting Processor with High Accuracy for 35 Classes 이혁진 24.04.25 228 70 Unbalanced CMOS Switch for D-band Dicke Imaging System Joon-Hyuk, Yoon 24.04.25 120 69 Low-Power Energy Harvesting Power Management Circuit with Thyristor-based Self.. Arooba Shafique 24.04.25 93 68 High-Performance and Energy-Efficient Computing-In-CAM Architecture for Binary.. PUTRI FATIA UFTIANI 24.04.25 85 67 Triple-stacked Wideband Power Amplifiers Using CMOS 28 nm Process 강호성 24.04.24 92 66 High-Throughput and Scalable Deep Learning-driven Massive MIMO Detector in 28n.. 윤상부 24.04.24 61 65 Design Automation of High-Speed ADC using Template-optimization-hybrid Layout .. 김형진 24.04.24 77 64 Edge Node Operation Policy using Energy Harvesting to Increase System Lifetime Yongsu Park 24.04.24 69 63 Body-Biased Voltage-Latched Sense Amplifier with Rise-Time Control Technique f.. 김재환 24.04.24 64 62 Reliablity Enhanced Offset-Canceling Current-Sampling Sense Amplifier 김재환 24.04.24 63 61 D-band CMOS Vector Modulator-Based Phase Shifter for Millimeter-Wave Imaging S.. 박주현 24.04.24 92 60 An improved locking-time PLL with linearized PFD for reducing Cycle-slipping Huynh Phuoc 24.04.23 74 59 Channel Confined THz Detector for THz Imaging System Yoo Bin Song 24.04.23 51 58 A Sub-GHz/2.4 GHz Highly Selective Reconfigurable RF Front-End Employing a Lin.. Dongmin Kim 24.04.23 63 57 IoT 환경에서 안전한 키 관리 및 TLS 지원을 위한 KCMVP 준수 보안 칩 윤동욱 24.04.23 64 56 A 50MHz-BW 168.8dB-FoM 2x Time-interleaved Bandpass Noise Shaping SAR ADC Usin.. 송승준 24.04.22 62 55 Design of power efficient inductor-first buck-boost converter using three powe.. 신민아 24.04.22 58 54 Design of CMOS based ultra-wide range temperature sensor for quantum computing.. 박찬정 24.04.22 63 53 A 1T1C DRAM Compute-in-Memory BNN Accelerator 조지환 24.04.21 83 52 A W-band Bidirectional Variable Gain Vector-Sum Phase Shifter Using a Directio.. Sungwon Kwon 24.04.19 57 1 2 3 4 통합 검색어